  7.3. Final Words / Bibliography and References

Cinema, Films, Movies, seem to be a source of cultural values, which make some social agents ignore the most basic rules of economic rationality and efficiency. Colombian Director Felipe Aljure summarizes that passion in a brilliant way, adequate for this exploration of the filmscape to reach a temporary end.

"I'm an optimist of film. I think there are positive trends happening. Besides, if you see the subject from a sociological perspective, I think FILM IS INEVITABLE. Structures and policies might delay national cinemas more or less in every country, but it's clear that human evolution goes through cinema ‘cause it's the most sophisticated form of human representation. So sophisticated that it has created alternate realities to life itself. People see Brad Pitt on the screen and they think he's so cool that they want to dress like Brad Pitt and so on. Whereas 100 years ago they would have wanted to dress like their fathers or like the farmers on the field next door. So the planet's paradigms - the planet's lines of evolution - have gone from Real to Virtual, with the risks that such process implies, and within that evolution process, film is an inevitable medium, it has to be heeded, and any imperfection in its form or its difficulties are just bits and pieces, but film, as one of the lines of human evolution, has to be taken seriously, and it has to be approached with optimism, the same optimism that life deserves. Life is not without difficulties, but that doesn't make it bad" [Aljure, 2005].


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