  4. Methodology

In order to see if there is theoretical consistency with real life actors this project will develop an explorative-qualitative research through two case studies in order to understand how and why two different countries have implemented their national film policies and strategies at governmental and industrial levels; the institutions and individuals involved in these developments; and the effects that such actions have had on the respective sectors.

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Informational resources for National Film Industries (An extension of NOCOMUNICADO).


  • 4.2. The cases: Spain and Colombia
  • 4.1. The Method
  • 4.3. The Evidence
  • 5. Spain: International Projection for a National ...
  • 5.2. Spanish Film Industry trends
  • 5.1. The current state of the Spanish Film Industry
  • 5.3. Spanish Cinema: the Aftermath
  • 6. Colombia: an unborn Film Industry
  • 6.1. The Colombian Film Industry: Traces of the Tw...
  • 6.2. Current models of Colombian Film Production: ...

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